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Welcome to Emergency Treatment For Animals Using Homeopathic Remedies. You've made a great decision!

When you learn how to treat anyone who is in an emergency state, then your fear dramatically drops.  You may still need to seek a professional of your choice, but you can at least make a start.

And making that start could be all you have to do.

Many people panic for no good reason or because they have been frightened by misinformation, which sadly abounds. However, when you take stock of the situation, when you objectively observe what happened, there may not even be anything to panic about.

Animals can be quite dramatic when something happens. To give you an example, a freak accident occurred recently. I had bent down to pick something up from the floor at the same time a cat launched to jump on the washing machine. That spoiled his aim and he caught a claw (I assume) in the door of the machine. He yelled out and managed to release himself. As he jumped down he sank his teeth into my hand. I guess he was just lashing out. Luckily, I was hurt more than he was. In fact, he didn't show any discomfort afterwards.

The important thing to realise is that every being wants to stay alive and will make every attempt to do so,. Don't buy into the fear-mongering which mostly comes from the medical and veterinary industry. Keeping the immune system strong will always maximise natural recovery. 


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two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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