The Homeopath’s Point of View

Course Complete

Getting your head around how a homeopath thinks can be a challenge! Understanding these three importance points will get you half way there.

Causation, Characteristics and Modalities

The most important aspects to focus on are the cause, the characteristics and the modalities of the problem.

Cause - if it isn’t obvious, think. What was your animal doing or what were they experiencing prior to the emergency? For example, if they suddenly get a swelling, is this a consequence of a vaccine or drug, a bee sting? Or perhaps an injury?

Characteristics -  for example the swelling that would be resolved by Apis, the bee sting remedy, would be red, tight, hot, with resentment to touch. A swelling caused by a vaccine would probably be isolated to the site and of a general appearance.

Modalities - what are they naturally doing to relieve their pain/stress? For example, an Apis case would want to cool the swelling as that temporarily relieves it. An animal who received an injury and needs Arnica would be trying to avoid you. They are more concerned about not getting harmed again than worrying about a swelling. An infection/inflammation in an animal seeking heat could do well on Silica.

Here are some other examples to consider:-

  • Are they avoiding company or seeking it?
  • Are they seeking heat or cold, even when already hot or cold?
  • Are they thirsty or thirstless?
  • Is the breathing rate slow or fast?
  • Are they lethargic or restless?
  • Do they feel icy cold or like a furnace?
  • Are they anxious or dull?

These are not conditions in themselves. They are part of the problem. And they need to match the remedy.

For example a slow breathing rate and coldness might indicate Carbo veg. It’s indicative of a movement towards death.

Rapid breathing with high anxiety may indicate Arsenicum album, which is also a remedy to help with making up the mind - do I want to stay or am I ready to make the transition?

One of my cats is scared of another cat. So I feed her away from the others, on a counter. One day, she didn’t respond to my encouragement to jump up, and ran away. Her tormenter appeared looking pleased with himself.
I was focusing on her, instead of where she was looking - the cause of her hesitation

Always look for the cause!

This Course is NOT About Acute Episodes Of A Chronic Condition

If a vet has diagnosed a condition and you are administering drugs, and your animal has an acute problem, this is NOT the place for you.

Instead, please be aware that vets (and MDs) misdiagnose problems on a regular basis. Many symptoms can be found in many diagnoses. It’s far from straight forward.

With a misdiagnosis, you may be giving the wrong drug/s.

Always, always, do your own research. You are the one responsible for your animal. No-one else.

If you’e administering more than one drug, vets have no idea about the potential harm from interactions.

I highly recommend that you explore the side effects, the contra indications (and the possible interaction when using more than one drug) at They have a good veterinary section.

Drugs can easily, and often do, cause problems that can look like an emergency. This is especially so in cats who are sensitive.

If your animal has had a particular condition and it just seems to become more worrisome on the weekend, this probably isn’t an emergency. The chances of it becoming so bad if you leave it another day may not be likely.

Having said all that, Nux vomica 6c can help de-tox when the animal is irritable and chilly, or Sulphur 6c when they prefer the cold. Several doses may help.

Understanding Who An Animal Is

It’s important to understand who your animal is. Grazing animals are invariably prey animals. But so are small animals, like domestic cats.

Prey animals need to hide their pain, their disability because the predators are always on the look out for easy targets. They become someone’s dinner. This is why cats are stoic, why horses (and other herbivores) put up with so much pain.

Predators are dogs and cats. The larger ones don’t need to hide their pain. That’s why dogs can be so graphic at times.

Still Doubtful?

If you still feel the need for emergency veterinary help, then you should seek it. Your instincts will always guide you.

However be assured, that your homeopathic treatment will undoubtedly have helped, even if you only managed a single dose of any remedy that looked close to what your animal was experiencing.

Guilt is a really common emotion when you change health modalities. Am I doing the right thing? Am I harming my animal by not going down the conventional route? I was steadfast in my conversion, but the guilt took years before it finally went.

So don’t expect NOT to feel guilty! It’s all part of the journey.

Pick And Choose

Whilst vets are needed for stitching up gaping wounds, flapping skin and setting (preferably not pinning) compound fractures, I highly recommend that you use the remedies listed here rather than their drugs, for the pain, healing and preventing infection.

All drugs suppress the immune system, the last thing you want when healing a severe injury.

The judicious use of homeopathy speeds up the healing rate, removes pain, prevents or heals infections and inflammations and calms the mind.

I have never used a cone (an Elizabethan collar) after sterilisation. I feel they freak out cats in particular, but dogs aren’t very happy with them either.

In all my 40+ years of having cats and dogs, I have NEVER had an animal try to pull out their stitches, even in my pre-homeopathic days.

Contrary to what vets have been taught, saliva is an EXCELLENT healer. Licking the wound can only ever be beneficial.


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Module 1 - Introduction

The Human's Point of View

The Human's Point of View

The Animal's Point of View

The Animal's Point of View

The Homeopath's Point of View

The Homeopath's Point of View

Course Complete

two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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