Amount and Frequency of Doses

Course Complete

The amount of the remedy and the frequency of the dose is covered here


Homeopathy is an energy medicine, so very little is needed. I like to use a couple of drops, a few grains or a couple of the small pillules. That’s enough. Cats in particular, dislike having too much.

Certainly for cats and dogs that’s enough, because you can be fairly certain they received the dose. With horses, they may blow the remedies off your hand or spill some out as they mouth them, so you might want to have a few more.


This totally depends on the condition or health of the animal, the issue and the potency of the remedies you have.

Mild or medium serious conditions don’t need very frequent doses. You’ll likely see results after just a few doses, perhaps 15 mins apart.

Conditions like shock, severe pain, collapse, arterial bleeding, etc are potentially serious or life threatening. So frequency may need to be often. Usually only a few doses of the right remedy will show results. Then you can re-dose when those results wane.

Frequent repetition can be every 10mins to every few hours.

In severe cases, with a comatose animal who can’t give you any signs, it’s highly unlikely you’ll do any harm. And I suggest over dosing is preferable to not giving enough.


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Module 3 - Dosing

Remedy Types and Administration

Remedy Types and Administration

Amount and Frequency of Doses

Amount and Frequency of Doses

Potency of Remedies and When is Enough

Potency of Remedies and When is Enough

Course Complete

two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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