Bites, Puncture Wounds and Abscesses

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In this lesson we cover bites, puncture wounds and abscesses. Bites can be from insects or poisonous animals like snakes or spiders.

Abscess From Neglected Bite

These will respond to all the bite remedies, but some can work better than others depending on what they’re from.

It can be difficult to see a bite on a furry animal, so sometimes it’s just a guess. But gently probing a sensitive area may show up puncture wounds.

If you miss the signs of a bite and a swelling occurs (usually days later), it’s an abscess. Normally these will grow and eventually burst on their own. Although they’re full of pus, they are generally not a serious problem.

Silica is a good abscess remedy to speed up healing.

Occasionally, the abscess will become EXTREMELY painful. This means you’re liable to get bitten if you try to touch it. So take the warning signs seriously and don’t take it personally. Your animal is in extreme pain. They haven’t turned against you.

For these very painful abscesses, you need Hepar sulphuris.

Insect Bites Such as Bees, Wasps, Ants, Etc

Both Ledum and Apis are great for insect bites. Both types of bite can swell up, be red, tight, rosy and painful.

If the animal is prone to allergies, then Aconite should be alternated with Apis. This can prevent anaphylactic shock.

Poisonous Bites Such As Spiders, Snakes, Etc

If the bite has occurred within an hour or so, then Aconite 200c alternated with Ledum 200c, one dose of each, may be enough.

If they occurred longer than an hour ago, more doses may be needed starting with every 10 minutes, tapering off as the patient recovers. Generally the animal will start to resist when they’ve had enough.

If the bite is older than that, then Hypericum 200c alternated with Aconite 200c every half hour can be helpful.

For poisonous snake bites, especially when a day or so old, Lachesis 200c may be needed, particularly where the skin is turning a purplish colour around the affected area.

Eupatorium polycarpa is also an excellent remedy to have on hand for snake bites.

My boxer was a happy, playful girl. She didn’t seem to understand the dangers of snakes. Dogs can be rather silly with snakes.
One warm spring day, we were walking our usual route and I spotted a coiled dugite, one of our poisonous snakes. I didn’t think anything of it, as we skirted around it. However on the homeward stretch, she was a bit slow catching us up and when she did, she fell down.
She’s gone back to play with the dugite!
I encouraged her to get up and walk the rest of the way home (a medical no-no) as she was too heavy to carry. Once home, she had a dose of Aconite 200c, quickly followed by a dose of Ledum 200c. About 5 minutes later she followed me into the clinic, where she liked to spend the day, absolutely normal.
She resented the following doses, so I should have stopped, but I wanted to be sure.
The great sequel to this story is that we encountered the dugite on our following morning walk and she gave it a wide berth.
In my student homeopathic days, I saw a cat wandering around with a baby dugite hanging from her mouth. The babies are considered to be more poisonous.
I didn’t want to get involved as that can make things worse. I was also confident I had everything I needed to effect a cure.
Some hours later, she came in for her evening meal. She appeared very strange so I felt she had been bitten. I think I gave her rather a lot of remedies in my inexperience.
She became irritable with me after a while, so I left her alone.
She slept soundly that night and was back to normal the next day.

After any poisonous bite, I strongly suggest you contact your homeopath, to make sure everything has come good. Sometimes a particular remedy is needed for a particular poison. However, your speedy actions using these remedies can save a life.

I supply a vet with these remedies.

A Week in Hospital??????

A.reader just informed me that she spent a week in hospital after a cat bite to her wrist.

Many years ago, before I had studied homeopathy, I was trying to catch a semi-feral cat I had. I can't remember why. Perhaps I had scheduled to sterilise her. The upshot was she scratched and bit my whole arm. It swelled up and was sore for a good while - from memory it took about two weeks to heal on its own..

Several years later, I was trying to catch a semi-feral cat who had escaped the house. She had run up a tree and I wasn't sure she was familiar enough to know how to get home. So I climbed a ladder and managed to get her. Despite the biting and scratching, I hung on until in the house..

Then I let her go to attend to me. I had a couple doses of Ledum 200c  about 10 minutes apart. Immediately the pain disappeared. Then I took maybe a couple more doses whenever the pain came back. That was it. The arm never swelled up. The bite marks healed very nicely. There was never an infection. There is no scarring.

A few hours versus a week......


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Bites, Puncture Wounds and Abscesses

Bites, Puncture Wounds and Abscesses





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This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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