Burns, Sunstroke, Smoke Inhalation, Hypothermia

Course Complete

This lesson covers burns, smoke inhalation, hypothermia, sun stroke

Burns can be divided into chemical and heat burns.

Heat Burns

This could be from boiling fat or water, to a fire burn.

Although mild burns are uncomfortable, they’re not life threatening. If the burn covers a lot of the body, then they can be.

The medical treatment of burns is appalling.

Initially treat for shock, with Aconite.

Then move on to Cantharis, the potency being dependent on the severity. Repetition will depend on response and the severity.

Clive popped into the clinic with a bad hand burn. He had grasped the uninsulated handle of a steel poker, the end of which was in a fire. I gave him a dose of Cantharis 200c and in a couple of minutes the pain ‘was switched off’ as he put it. He needed a few more doses over the next few days.
He did develop blisters, but they were clean and trouble free. He simply avoided using the hand. He was able to fully use the hand after a few days.

Caustic or Chemical Burns

This could be from any chemical. Caustic burns are different from heat burns.The best remedy for these burns is Causticum. Such an interesting name ‘coincidence’.

Smoke Inhalation

Carbo veg is the first remedy to use. The patient can seem lifeless. They are cold and the pulse is imperceptible. A mirror under the nose indicates they are breathing, but otherwise they appear lifeless. Dose every 5 mins until they recover. 

Heat and Sunstroke

Most animals will get out of the sun when they’ve had enough. So natural heat stroke will be unusual.

If they can’t escape the heat for some reason, make sure they have access to water to drink.

Belladonna cases have hot ears, wide dilated pupils, and will generally feel like a furnace. If you can see it, they will have a throbbing, bounding, visible (at the neck) pulse.

Glonoine cases also have a bounding pulse. They are less hot than Belladonna generally, but have bad headaches. So the forehead and head in general will be hot. This is often accompanied by redness in the eye, which is known as ‘injection of the sclera’. There is likely to be palpitation.

NB, cats tend to have quite warm heads normally, so you might like to check what's normal for your cat.


This condition responds best to being warmed up, but not too dramatically or quickly. If there is evidence of shock, then Aconite will also be needed first.

If the freezing has been prolonged and severe, then there may be little sign of life. Carbo veg will help restore vitality. The higher potency of 200c would be appropriate here.

If there is great fear, then Arsenicum album will help to calm and restore vitality.


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Course Complete

two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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