Injuries to Soft and Hard Tissue and Nerves

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This lesson covers the common injuries to soft tissue, nerves, bones

Soft Tissue

With serious injury, quickly move on from shock to Arnica. This remedy supports quick healing, reduces or eliminates pain in the soft tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments) and prevents infection.

One of the guiding symptoms of Arnica is that the patient resents you approaching. They have already been hurt once and want to, understandably, avoid a repetition of this.

Since all injuries involve soft tissue one way or another, it’s best to give this remedy initially, before considering other remedies.

This is a really important remedy to start with as it relaxes muscles. Tense muscles will prevent joints slipping back into place if there is any dislocation.

Head Injury, Concussion

This involves both the skin as in a gash and the bone. Treat the gash as with the soft tissue above. If this is large, stitches may be needed.

When the bone is hit hard, it affects the brain, bruising it and temporary unconsciousness can result.

Keep the patient safe, warm and quiet if possible.

The first remedy to use here is Arnica. Several doses about 5-15 mins apart until consciousness returns will heal the condition and prevent any sequela. Because concussion can have such serious after effects, it’s a good idea to treat it with at least one dose, even if mild.

Checking in with your homeopath after a head injury is highly recommended.


Whether the bone is bruised, has a hairline crack or there is a compound fracture, Rescue Remedy is always the first remedy of choice to calm and to soothe pain.

As soft tissue will also have been damaged, Arnica can also be used to start the healing here.

There is pain on moving. Resting is preferred.

A bruised bone or a hair line cracked bone will respond to Symphytum and Calcarea phosphoricum. They will heal, reduce pain and prevent infection.

Bryonia will tend to show irritability as well as resentment from movement.


Compound fractures always need to be set first. (However, I don’t recommend pins or plates unless absolutely necessary such as with a mangled bone.) A clean fracture can be set. Then use the homeopathic remedies mentioned above, rather than the medical drugs.

Wildlife carers are very adept at taping a stick or twig to a bird’s broken wing and it can work very well.

In my pre-homeopathic days, a cat returned home one evening, dragging her back end. I rang the vet, but they said they couldn’t do anything until normal hours. This was pre the emergency vets.
The next day, I took her in as she was the same.
For some reason they kept her for about 3 days, without any treatment. Finally they said she had broken or cracked her pelvis and there was nothing they could do. So just nurse her.
I set up her bed on a table beside my desk so she could look out a window to keep her interest up.
She ate well and I got to know when she needed her litter and supported her while she peed and pooed.
It took a few weeks to heal, but she came good just fine.
Had I known about homeopathy at the time, I could probably have cut the healing time in half.

Helga Writes

My son's cat got into a fight with another cat. (Afterwards) he was not walking well and seemed to be in pain. This was on Sunday and my son took him to the emergency vet - $800. They could not find anything, but the cat was not better the next day. My son then took him to the regular vet - $300 who found out the spine was cracked above the tail and there was nothing that could be done. Poor kitty had to be put to sleep.

Ed - Since when are broken bones not fixable?


Any deep cuts and wounds will tend to affect nerves as they are close to the surface of the skin.

Hypericum is needed here. It’s excellent at repairing damaged nerves. And nerve pain is one of the most severe pains known.

With severe cuts and wounds, Hypericum will be needed alongside Arnica for the soft tissue. Both will soothe pain, effect sound healing and prevent infection.

Check for coldness and numbness (indicated by a lack of response to hard squeezing) of the affected part when that is not resented. Continued doses may be required.

Areas rich in nerves are the head, spine, tail, paws, genitals and mouth.

A Recent Fall

I was walking down a slope when I slipped on a piece of thin bark the eucalypts are currently shedding. It was an impressive slide and one foot doubled back under me, with the toes doing their own doubling back. I was dazed and in pain and it took me a few minutes to mentally stabilise myself.

Once back up I was able to walk with a limp, so finished the short walk. A dose of Arnica 200c immediately on returning home settled much of the pain . I had four doses in total, over the day. By the evening, everything was good except the toes. I knew that was  tendon/ligament/bone pain (bruising or over stretching probably) because it was worse on movement, with very little pain when not moving.

A couple of doses of Bryonia 200c that evening didn't make much difference. But when I woke in the morning, there was no pain. Anywhere. That was it!

Even I was surprised as I had expected to have minor discomfort for a couple of days.

A Fall From A Tree

A highly active 12 year boy fell five metre/yards from a tree. His safety rope was tangled round his knees.  He fell on his hips/pelvic area. His reaction was of panic, saying he couldn't breathe, that he felt sick and wanted to get up immediately. His parents persuaded him to lie still in the same area, after making him comfortable.

It's common to be in panic, to feel sick and to have difficulty breathing after an accident.  While someone goes for the remedies, it's best to keep the patient lying in the same spot, where possible, while they stabilise.

He was given a dose of Aconite 200c for the panic, which calmed him down. Three doses of Arnica 200c over the two hour period before I was available had him resting in his bed briefly, quickly followed by getting up, wanting food, and a desire to go skate boarding, even though he was limping!

He may need other remedies to complete the healing, depending on what arises, but the speed with which Arnica works and the problems it prevents, when used appropriately, is truly remarkable.


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two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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