Course Complete

This lesson covers the various parasites, their role and when they need treatment


The medical and veterinary industry grossly misunderstand the value and/or purpose of parasites.

If a cat or dog has fleas, it’s because they’re toxic - from commercial pet food which is laced with toxins that would never be allowed in human food, and from veterinary meds.

The fleas are alerting you to the problem. They are the ‘canaries in the coal mine’.

A healthy cat or dog may have the odd flea, but there would never be many.

Intestinal Worms

Digestive worms are part of life. None of us could live without them. However, they need to be kept in the natural numbers.

The digestion of raw meat for cats and dogs is fast, never allowing the gut fauna to breed out of natural balance. It’s the cooked and poor quality ‘food’ in commercial pet food that digests very slowly, allowing the gut fauna to breed out of control.

If a cat or dog has tapeworm (the most common adult gut worm, indicated by what looks like white grains of rice in fresh stool, that yellow after an hour or so), feeding a good quality raw diet will rectify the problem.

Kittens and puppies may have roundworm from their (unhealthy) mother. They vomit up what looks like spaghetti.

Just feeding them a good quality raw diet will vastly improve their immunity and so health, allowing the body to take care of the problems.

Herbivores, such as horses, cows, sheep, etc, tend to have more of a worm problem in the colder winter months. So that’s when I do the following measures. I don’t pick up the manure as some advocate, as I want the fertiliser.

The addition of 1/4 teaspoon copper sulphate in the food either daily or a few times a week can keep them in check. However, as it is a poison, it MUST be accompanied by about a tablespoon of diatomaceous earth.

I also add kelp for the minerals.

Horses will show early signs of worm infestation (usually strongyle) by rubbing the tail - although this can also indicate other issues. A really unhealthy horse, with a low immune system, will look ribby and often pot bellied, with a staring coat.


Heartworm is often found in dogs who live in areas that have mosquitoes. The mosquitoes breed in the available water, then go around their territory, biting the various dogs and so transmitting the problem this way.

I live in such an area and have never treated my dogs, or cats. Mosquitoes are part of the natural world and a healthy animal will easily deal with potential health issues. The veterinary heartworm treatment is a pesticide.

The signs to look out for are ‘exercise intolerance’, ie they are disinclined to exercise, which is unusual. Arsenicum album is the most common remedy to treat this, if you suspect it.

You can also purchase the homeopathic heartworm remedy in potency and use that as protection. I’ve never done that.

Healthy Parasite Solutions

The Bach flower remedy Crabapple is very good at eliminating unwanted guests. Just add a drop or two to the drinking water bowl (not fountain). Other flower essences probably have similar remedies.

The homeopathic remedies include:

  • for intestinal worms - Cina 6x, Silica 6x
  • for fleas and ticks - Ledum 6c
  • for mosquitoes - Staphysagria 6c

Fleas can be controlled internally and externally by diatomaceous earth. Lightly rub just a little into the coat. It’s perfectly safe to consume. Just make sure it is the dietary variety, not the garden, which may have additions unsuitable for consumption.

Half a teaspoon for cats, up to a heaped tablespoon for horses. 

There are many other remedies that help. I have a complex for specific problems. Various homeopathic pharmacies usually make a specific complex.


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Course Complete

two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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