Course Complete

Congratulations! You made it to the end!

Well done on completing this course!

For some it would have been like learning a new language. It does get easier with experience!

Like topsy, this course grew to include more than intended. The idea of this work is to help you deal with emergencies, especially those that occur outside of normal working hours, causing you to rush off to an expensive emergency vet. Very often, when you stand back and look objectively, it isn’t an emergency.

So you don’t need that second mortgage or to use all your life savings!

Animals can be very graphic when trying to heal themselves. Understanding what they’re doing keeps away your panic.

Please understand that this work is for emergencies, not chronic conditions or the fall out from the drugs treating that. These are treated very differently when using homeopathy. You need to consult with a homeopath for these conditions.

This is also, to some extent, a work in progress, as it’s always helpful for people to see what others did. So please let me know your thoughts and experiences. 

You will need to keep going back over the course as your understanding improves. With lifetime access, there's no rush.

Don't be dismayed at your failures. It happens to all of us.  Generally, experience is the key to getting good at anything. Sometimes your efforts won't work. The important thing is to keep trying. No-one is perfect.

Don't forget, as your bonus, you can contact me after the event, to go over what happened and if I have any further suggestions.

And finally, always check in with your homeopath after the event. The condition may still be serious enough to warrant a consultation. However, if all went well, I still recommend a quick email or phone call to your regular homeopath who knows you and your animal, just to check if you need to be concerned about any residue.

Oh and by the way, I welcome any corrections. Despite many proof readings, I'm sure there are spelling and grammar mistakes.


    2 replies to "Conclusion"

    • linda.mcenery

      Hi Madeleine
      Thank you for this course. Having lost our precious Massey 9 months ago, I must admit I covered most sections with tears in my eyes, as I have now. I have learnt so much from you – during Gabby’s and Massey’s illnesses, and through your courses. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Gentle Bentley and wild Zebediah continue to experience the benefits of your wisdom daily, enjoying their raw diets, and vet/vaccine/medication-free lives.
      Best regards

    • Madeleine Innocent

      Thank you so much. It is a pleasure to work with you.

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Module 8 - Conclusion

A Case Study

A Case Study

How I Would Have Treated Daisy

How I Would Have Treated Daisy



Course Complete

two legs and four holistic health academy

This self empowering collection of courses is to help you and yours achieve optimum health through diet, lifestyle and the use of some of the common homeopathic remedies. All in the comfort of your home.

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