two legs and four

Two Legs and Four Holistic Health Academy

exclusive online course

Feeding Cats Raw - Simple Fail Safe Steps

feeding cats raw

Understanding Cats

Your cat is a true carnivore. In fact, your cat is what is known as an obligate carnivore. That means they cannot survive without a diet of animal protein.

It isn't just the taurine they need. It's the whole deal. Their immune system is dependent on their prey to be effective. Without it, they develop all manner of health problems.

Even with health challenges, a change to their natural diet can bring about a dramatic improvement. And quite quickly. In some, the healing can be 100%. In others, additional help may be needed.

However, all cats, despite their age or their level of health, will benefit from a diet change to one that mimics their natural diet.

Understanding Health

Health is all about the immune system. The immune system is designed to keep the host healthy, to ward off any pathogens, diseases and the like.

A cat with a healthy immune system is energetic, alert, interested in life, playful, hydrated, sleeps soundly, has a great appetite, has silky fur, has no problem with fleas or worms, rarely comes down with any sickness and when they do it's often mild and short lived.

To achieve this enviable state of affairs, the focus needs to be on maintaining and supporting the immune system. Nothing else matters because it was designed to do all the work.

Understanding The Immune System

You can't see the immune system. You can only feel its effect. However, it's importance can never be over emphasised.

How do you keep it in perfect order, so it can achieve what it's designed to do?

There are three main areas that can have a major, and often debilitating, effect on it.

They are:

  1. the lifestyle
  2. the health care
  3. the diet

Within those three categories, there are other areas that don't have quite the same impact as these main ones do. So this discussion is confined to these three.

Understanding The Impact of Lifestyle

You can't beat the impact of a loving home. We all want to feel wanted, appreciated, respected and loved.

As cats are very sensitive, they are easily stressed. This can come from:

  • noise
  • a lack of respect from people or other animals
  • EMF and other radiation
  • never going outside (the healing benefits of direct sun and contact with the earth are well known)
  • too early removal from their mother
  • mothers poor diet during pregnancy and lactation
  • multiple different homes or shelters

The importance of these will vary according to the individual. You can't do much about some of them if you already have a cat. However, by recognising these can be a problem, gives you the awareness to look out for it and take appropriate action, if needed.

Understanding The Impact of Health Care

Cats have evolved for millenia in the wild. Their lifestyle and their diet have kept them efficient hunters and effective parents. They are unlikely to die from any disease as their immune systems are strong.

They are much more likely to die from an injury. Hunting is not without its risks.

Or from predators, especially as kittens. (Although all felines are predators, the small ones are also prey due to their size.)

So feeding our cats their natural diet will result in vibrantly healthy cats.

Most veterinary health care is unnecessary and interferes too much. Absolutely, there are times when health care is necessary. However, people panic readily when a loved one is not well. 

Feeding your cat a healthy raw diet that mimics their natural diet, drastically reduces those times of unwellness, reducing your panic.

Appreciate that when your cat's immune system is strong, they have the ability to heal themselves in most situations. 

Understanding The Importance of The Diet

feeding cats raw

Wild cats, as this lynx shows, thrive on a diet of nothing but their prey. The feathers and the fur are normally discarded, as you can see here.

The meat is good quality. There is little fat (wild animals have little fat). There are organs. There are small bones.

The small bones are crunched by those lovely spiky teeth, ensuring they remain pearly white and free from tartar. The gums remain healthy, firmly supporting the teeth.

All this makes up the perfect diet for our domestic cats, who are but a stone's throw from their wild cousins. Our domestication of cats has had no impact whatsoever on how to keep their immune system healthy.

Why Are Cats So Unhealthy at This Time?

When you check the ingredients of commercial cat food, you'll be surprised how little animal protein there often is. And it's often poor quality, when it is there.

The human market is the most lucrative market, so the best cuts of meat are sold there for the highest prices.

So inferior and poor quality animal protein is more likely to be used in commercial cat food, whatever price you pay. Such as slaughter house waste, rendering plant products, dead and diseased farm animals and the like.

To bulk this out, plant based fillers are added. They're cheaper than meat. People got wise to the grain that was added so that was changed to tapioca. It's still a plant based filler.

As true carnivores, cats are unable to utilise and digest any plant based food outside their need for medicinal purposes.

Just this combination of poor quality animal protein and high plant based ingredients is enough to steadily, steadfastly and progressively whittle away at the immune system. This normally happens slowly, so most people don't see it happening. Until a problem occurs. But it's been years in the making.

There is more.

Very often the poor quality meat is not used immediately. It can start rotting before it's used. Salmonella poisoning is very common in commercial cat food and accounts for the majority of the recalls.

Cooking destroys essential enzymes and alters the protein to be less digestible.

The manufacturers know how poor this 'food' is, how it lacks nutrition. So they add vitamins and minerals. The cheap synthetic ones made in a laboratory that don't resemble food in any shape or form.

These add to the problems.

Colours and flavours (synthetic) are added to pacify us and fool the cat.

Preservatives are added. Not preservatives that are allowed in human food. Much more toxic and potent ones that allow meat to remain at room temperature for years, as with the dry kibble.

This is the tip of the ice-burg as there are many more problems with commercial cat food. Some brands are better than others, but I suggest all have these or similar problems.

Many People Understand This

Many people do understand the importance of a healthy diet, a natural diet, for their cat. But their cat has not shared their views.

Time and again, they have tried to convert their cat to a more natural diet and failed.

Not wanting to feel the guilt their cat is so good at projecting onto them, they give in and resign themselves to the fact they did try.

I'm here to give you some good news.

I can convince your cat of the value of a natural diet!

My system Has worked for thousands
and it will work for you!

Over many years, helping people stay the distance, ironing out common hurdles, I have developed a fail safe system. I am so convinced of its ability to convert every cat, I offer a 100% money back guarantee on the purchase price. (Conditions apply, see at the bottom.)

That does NOT mean there is not a lot of work for you. There is. But I break it down into simple steps that anyone can achieve. All you have to do is to follow my instructions.

Why am I so confident? 

Because I understand cats. By understanding cats, I can predict what they will do.

And I understand people. People can be easily overwhelmed by too much information at once. Especially when they lead busy lives, with little spare time.

The information needs to be broken down into bite sized chunks that are, above all, do-able. 

This course is for people who are serious about getting their cat on board with a quality natural diet

It takes time.

It takes dedication and persistence.

However, the end result is worth all the heart ache.

This is How Your Cat Will Be

feeding cats raw

This is how healthy your cat can be at the end of the conversion - proud, sure of themselves, enthusiastic for their food, happy, alert, playful and slim.

A far cry from the kibble junkie....

Should You Worry About Bacteria, etc?

When your cat, or you, have a strong immune system, it is able to do its job - defending the body against natural diseases.

I can't emphasis the importance of the health of the immune system enough.

People worry about infections, diseases, new diseases, rare diseases, etc.

That is NOT your concern as a healthy immune system takes care of all that.

However, it can't do much when it's unhealthy.

Your job, as a concerned cat carer and giver-of-anything to keep your precious cat healthy, is to focus on the health of this intangible, unseen part.

That may require a major mind shift. And this can be scary to some. However, it signifies growth. And you have your cat to thank for that growth.

People Want to DO Something To Help

Whenever compassionate people discover a health problem with themselves, or their loved ones, one thing that shines through every time, is their desire to DO something themselves.

This is a normal and very healthy reaction.

However, their intentions can send them down rabbit holes. The internet abounds with questionable 'healthy' products for desperate people.

Instead, consider this:

There is one thing that ONLY you can do.

That no wonderful, highly successful, world renowned practitioner can do.

And that is to change the diet.


And I do assure you, when you get it right and do everything I suggest, you will be amazed at the wonderful results.

It's not so much that this diet is a miracle diet as much as how awful, how destructive, how unhealthy, how toxic, how non-nutritious commercial cat food is.

How can anyone be healthy if they're not eating the right diet for their species?

Isn't that obvious?

All you have to do is to look at the successes of wild cats on their natural diet of local prey. And they are very successful as they are naturally found almost everywhere.

Advantages of A Quality, Raw Meat and Bones Diet

People often see a quick shift in their cat's health when they start on this diet. Within a few days, they can see their cat is more relaxed, more alert and more interested and engaged with life.

And it continues, going from strength to strength.

Every single ailment improves, some completely.

Whatever stage your cat's health is in, it IS worth adopting this diet. Very often, the cats who have been written off by mainstream vets, bounce back to life.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


As a bonus, you will also receive my ebook which gives more information on suitable foods, where natural nutrition is found in food, nutrition for pregnant cats, growing kittens, sick cats, elderly cats, etc.

Accompanying this ebook is an ebook on using the Bach Flower Essences for cats, a very useful health modality.

What You Recieve

self-help guide

This course is a self help course, that you take at your own pace. It guides you through each stage of the dietary conversion, step by step.

Online help

Although I'm confidant I've covered all problems you may encounter, I am available for anything I haven't, that you experience. For no extra cost.

Private consulations

For those cats who don't experience a 100% return to health, you can consult me on any health issue. Homeopathy supports the immune system and compliments a natural diet. (Charges apply.)


The price is US$197

This is amazing value when you consider what you WON'T have to spend in future practitioner fees.

The course consists of three modules and 29 short but valuable lessons. It is designed so ANYONE can achieve, ANYONE can have success. Whether you have time or whether your cat is stubborn.

Not only does it teach you how to convert your cat's diet, it also teaches you what to expect. In the early days, the de-tox process can look alarming to those who don't understand what's going on. This is a critical stage that needs understanding and support, if necessary.

Below is a preview of the course.


I am confidant that anyone who is prepared to put in the steps I recommend, will be able to convince their cat a natural, healthy, raw meat and bones diet is delicious.

So confidant that I will guarantee a full purchase price refund if your cat has not started* to eat raw within 60 days of the purchase date. (I'm making sure you have plenty of time!)

* This means they are willing to eat a whole meal of raw meat daily, even if the whole balanced diet has not yet been attempted.

See conditions below.

My Guarantee is Subject To:

1 - following my instructions
2 - letting me know (via the comment section AND email) immediately you hit a problem
3 - there is a time limit of 60 days from your purchase date
4 - your cat is not in a terminal stage of ill health

Two Legs and Four Holistic Health Academy

Teaching holistic ways to restore and maintain vibrant health, for us and our four legged friends.

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Western Australia

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