About Madeleine

My Journey

One of my cats suffered with bad eczema.

My vet had tried a variety of different drugs, all with varying success, mostly with side effects. The one that did the best work came with such horrible side effects, I stopped it. It made her angry, whereas she was a gentle, loving cat by nature. I wasn’t going to put her through such trauma just so she looked good.

A new friend suggested I try homeopathy.

I had never heard of it, but was happy to try. She gave me the name of a homeopath to contact. After a telephone consultation, he sent me the homeopathic prescription. Within days, the eczema receded then vanished. And she remained her normal happy self! No side effects. It never returned!

It was the late George MacCleod I had consulted, the well known UK vet who used homeopathy exclusively when he found the benefits it gave to his own health. He was happy to let the veterinary side go after he had found a much more effective discipline of health care.

He died in his 80s, still working in his busy practice.

The treatment was little short of astounding.

It was completely effective. Its action was fast. It had no nasty side effects. In fact no side effects that were apparent.

I didn’t even know there was such a health care system available. Wow!

You could call it a miracle, but miracles are daily occurrences when you let go of your limited beliefs, so common in today’s medically minded consciousness.

As happens so often in life, a change comes when you’re not looking for one.

This event changed my life. Teachers are everywhere, but often not in a form you expect.

about madeleine

Back in the 1980s, I had already had a second career change and was reasonably happy. I was a founding partner in a business that recycled auto-parts. This meant I was my own boss. And recycling is close to my heart. It grew, even in a recession.

But it lacked something.

After seeing the impact of homeopathy on my cat, I decided to study it, really to treat myself and family.

As I got into it however, I thought I just can’t keep this to myself. I must offer this to others. So I transferred from the home prescriber to the practitioner course.

Homeopathic healing is, I believe, second to none in it’s ability to cut through to the root cause of problems, any problem, and heal them.

It does this by restoring the immune system back to its natural, glorious state. A state that heals and prevents disease. A state that is normal to us all.

I offer you access to this astoundingly effective, rapid and totally safe method of holistic healing.

My Credentials

My training as a homeopath was with the Australasian College of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy in Victoria, Australia. I graduated with a Diploma in Homoeopathy in 2000. This was the highest level of training at the time.

I have been in full time practice ever since, as a consultant homoeopath. I treat both people and other animals, as we are really all the same. We just look a bit different. And speak different languages.

I have been involved in teaching homeopathy at colleges.

I am a professional member of the Australian Register of Homoeopaths and the Australian Homoeopathic Association

I have been active on the committee of the Western Australian branch of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, being the secretary and then president for many years.

Do join me on a journey to vibrant health for you! Every aspect of holistic health care and what can cause it to tumble, are investigated.

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    2 replies to "About Madeleine"

    • Janel Borton

      As I am going thru your website I am getting more excited. I have always believed there was better ways and real people who practiced and not just money grabbers. Here in the states it’s hard to find a homeopath and the one I found her website was bare. I’m a sponge when I find useful and important info. Your is both. You give me hope.

    • Madeleine Innocent

      Thank you!

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