Apart from the regular homeopathic consultations for deep seated and chronic conditions that probably the whole world, especially the western world, suffer with, what can YOU do to help yourself?
Being an independent type of person myself, I appreciate it when I can do things that help me, and mine, remain healthy. I imagine I’m not alone!
Here are some of my suggestions that have a focus on health. Some people may already do all of them, some none of them. If you’re in the latter category, I suggest you pick an easy one and focus on that until it becomes automatic. Then come back here and pick another one.
They all will have a positive impact on your health, especially when you have any health crisis.
As Google is now the proud owner of several pharma companies, they are NOT natural friendly. They censor competition. I use Brave.
Change needs to be at your pace, but you also need to keep momentum. Anyone with a health issue, especially a gut health issue, ADD, ADHD, autism, etc, need to get the diet in particular sorted out quickly.
This page is in flux. I learn new things, unhealthy things happen in the world which need addressing, new strategies can be helpful and so on. However, the old, tried and tested ways often give the best results.
Instead of worrying about diseases, even new diseases, infections, etc, look after your immune system. It’s this intangible and dynamic part of you that can prevent all manner of health issues. Everything I put here are ways to make sure this is in good working order.
I’ve put the recommendations under loose headings.
I will add links as I find reliable ones. They are often country specific.
SLOW DOWN! The crazy fast pace of the world does no-one any good. Make a time of day, every day, just for you - uninterrupted. It could be a long soak in a bath. It could be sitting quietly in a park. The idea is to allow your mind to drift, wander, do nothing.
Learn to meditate. Essentially this is slowing the mind.
Ensure you get out into Nature regularly, to appreciate her.
Walk bare foot on the Earth as often as you comfortably can.
Get naked (without sunscreen) exposure to the direct sun as often as you comfortably can. A tan is healthy, just don’t burn. Morning and evening times can be the most suitable in the summer of hot countries.
Dental health can affect your immunity. Avoid the mercury (amalgum) fillings and root canals.
Make sure you get some exercise every day. Do whatever works for you. At the very least, you need to increase your breathing and heart rate.
The eastern philosophies of yoga, tai chi, qigong offer the best integrations of mind and body. Pilates is also good.
Building a sweat is a good indication of this and can help de-tox the body.
Exercise your eyes, too..
Sleep is vitally important. Get the amount that works for you, which is normally considered to be 8 hours. However, some can manage very well on less.
Expose yourself to natural dirt, such as gardening in chemical-free soil.
Use toxic-free, and cruelty-free, personal care products. The soap I use ONLY has coconut in.
If you’re in a job you dislike, start the process of doing what you do enjoy.
Keep your own counsel. YOU decide what is important for you. YOU make your own choices, based on your beliefs, your experiences, your knowledge. Allow others to find theirs.
Limit or avoid antibiotics as much as possible. They damage the gut microbiome badly and there are better alternatives.
Keep learning. We can never stop.
Be humble.
Clean up your diet. Avoid junk food and processed food 100%. Examples of processed food include the seed oils, cane sugar (unless it's panela or the whole cane), white rice, white flour, cheap brands, packets (except dried produce), table salt, etc.
Only eat quality food.
Eat whole food (eg brown rice).
Make fresh fruit and vegetables, including whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, the staple of your diet. A high fibre diet is essential for the health of the gut biome, which is a major part of your immune system.
Eliminate or lessen dairy. Dairy contains hormones which are not healthy.. Use nut or seed milk, coconut yoghurt, cashew cheese.
Avoid gluten if you have a GI issue. Use millet instead.
A meal of rice and legumes gives all 20 essential amino acids and is very calming. That's very useful for hyperactive children.
Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables. The easiest way to consume a lot is in a daily green smoothie.
Pre-soak (or buy already ‘activated’) seeds, nuts, grains and legumes.
Make sure there is a wide variety of food in the diet. Use all fruit and veg available.
Ditch your microwave oven.
Drink clean water. Structured water seems to be the best way to clean water and keep it vital.
Purchase certified organic where you can. Or support local, sustainable farmers. Try growing your own food.
Try to fast every day for 12 hrs between dinner and breakfast.
When you can achieve that, you can try longer periods once a week or month.
Once you have eliminated the junk and processed foods from your diet, your intuition will start to surface. Learn to follow it. It's there to help you, even when it's in opposition to what others do.
For more on diet, see below.
Be aware of the dangers of EMF and radiation. Get a gauss or RF meter to measure how safe, or not, your home and work place are. There are many devices that offer you protection. Take this seriously. Employ a building biologist for a complete home check. For example, the position of your bed could be making you seriously sick.
Don’t have screens in your bedroom. Avoid any EMF and radiation there.
Avoid the ‘smart’ appliances, etc.
Find where your electric meter is and avoid sleeping near it. If you have a smart meter, try to get it replaced with an analog one.
Appreciate the internet dangers for both privacy and security. Be protected.
Educate yourself on these dangers, rather than ignoring them as someone else’s problem.
Disengage from the drama of mainstream news. Relaxing in front of the television or checking your phone is often counter to relaxing. Access independent news.
Don’t work for hours at a computer. Get up at least every hour for a few minutes, a cuppa, a snack, a pee, etc.
If you, or yours, take any medical drugs, check them out for side effects and interactions with other drugs. Your MD or vet generally have little idea about these problems.
Avoid sanitisers, bacterial washes, etc. Just wash in clean soap and water.
Don’t forget to do the same thing for your animals. Often they're forgotten.
Commercial pet food is their equivalent of our junk food. Make your own. Or purchase from reputable businesses.
Care for your environment. Care for your planet.
Be kind. Appreciate others are on different journeys to yours, which are just as valid.
Nurture and indulge in what brings you joy.
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