Back pain causes should always be considered when looking for treatment. When you don't consider the cause, how can the treatment be effective?
Common causes of back pain include injury. And injury isn't just hurting your back from, say, a fall. It can be from bad posture, putting your spine under constant stress. It can be from lifting something too heavy. It can result from walking or standing in high heels for long periods.
Surgery is an injury, too.
You can suffer with back pain from eating a deficient diet, especially when you were young and growing. Or from taking synthetic supplements that contribute to hypercalcaemia such as Vitamin D3.
Back pain can be a result of scoliosis.
The problem can be acute (ie short lived) or chronic (with you for life).
It's important that the treatment you seek looks at all of these possibilities, and more, before deciding on the most appropriate treatment.
Mostly, the pain drugs simply palliate the pain. It's not looking at the cause or helping your body's valiant efforts to cure itself.
In addition, medical drugs cause side effects and can harm your liver, at the very least. Your immune system takes a tumble. And it isn't unusual for drugs to make the original problem worse.
Surgery is not an exact science and may make no noticeable difference to the pain. Orthopaedic surgeon Ian Harris tries to educate people on the pitfalls of surgery.
Back pain very often occurs because the muscles have become tense.
Back pain very often occurs because the muscles have become tense. In so doing, they pull a vertebrae out of alignment. That on it's own can be painful, but when it impinges on a nerve, that can be doubly painful.
Simply removing the tension allows the vertebrae to slip back into place and the pain disappears.
A hands on practitioner such as a chiropractor can do this, although it often needs repeated sessions.
The hands off approach of homeopathy works at an energetic level, healing the cell memory of the trauma. This, too, results in the vertebrae slipping back into place.
In taking the case, the homeopath will diligently probe all areas of your life to see what the cause could be. This isn’t always obvious, although it can be. You’ll certainly know if the problem started after a bad fall. But when the apparent cause seems too minor to have affected this amount of pain, then the root cause is likely to be further back in your past. This incident simply caused it to flare up again from dormancy.
The scope of homeopathy isn’t limited to humans. All animals can benefit from it in just the same way.
Homeopathic treatment always looks for your back pain causes before deciding on the best treatment for a quick, beneficial and permanent result.
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