How does homeopathic medicine work? Since homeopathy is an energy based medicine, it is not well understood. Energy based anything is not well understood even though we can harness it.
However, I do believe we have an inkling into how it works, even though it is not complete. After all, all knowledge is fluid. Which means our understanding changes as we evolve.
There are a few different explanations, but in a way, do we need to know? What we do know is that our level of understanding anything is quite poor, despite how far we have come. Much of our understanding is based on assumptions rather than facts.
In our current mental way of being, the mind is king. But I suggest a false king. The mind should work in conjunction with the heart. That means the individual’s feeling about the process is important.
Even more important to know is, are there any harmful effects or side effects? Can someone die if the wrong homeopathic remedy is given?
Energy based medicine can only work on your energy. And this is your immune system, the part of you you can't see. The health of the immune system dictates whether or not you are able to repel or heal pathogens or other traumas and injuries and whether it can cope with any inherited problems.
If your immune system is healthy, YOU are healthy. When your immune system is unhealthy, it doesn’t have the strength to work as it should. So you struggle.
When you take a well prescribed homeopathic medicine (normally orally), it repairs your damaged immune system, so that it is now able to restore your health. The medicine acts as a sort of catalyst rather than a therapeutic measure, which only acts on symptoms.
You can tell that the immune system is affected, as not only does the chief complaint start to resolve and heal, your energy improves or balances. Sleep improves. You start to relax, both on the mental and physical planes. Irritations slowly ebb away.
The current medical system is based on the germ theory. Essentially, it focuses on something, a germ, outside of the body. The assumption is that this is making the patient ill. So they go all out to kill the germ.
Homeopathy is based on the terrain theory. This focuses mostly on your environment that is causing an inner imbalance.
Examples include never recovering from a shock, a fright, a deep grief or loss, abuse in childhood, even something considered minor in childhood that had a profound effect.
Starvation or an inappropriate diet easily leads to poor health, although this tends to take time.
So homeopathic treatment goes well beyond replacing drugs. Drugs tend to be limited to suppressing symptoms rather than curing a problem.
And does homeopathic medicine work?
Homeopathy in its present form has been around for over 200 years. It was discovered by a widely read physician, who was also a linguist in English, French, German, Latin. He was also a chemist.
You can read about the founder here. And the history of past practitioners of homeopathy here.
In that time, mountains of evidence to prove beyond a shadow of doubt it works have accumulated.
It's interesting to know just how many wealthy people use homeopathy for themselves. That alone speaks volumes. The book The Homeopathic Revolution by Dana Ullman details the famous people and cultural heroes who rely on homeopathy for their health care.
Homeopathic medicine restores a healthy immune system so you remain healthy. It balances out a troubled and unhealthy belief system. It reconnects your mind with your heart. Your instincts can be heard. You become more independent, less worried by others opinions, less fearful. You become more adaptable. More at peace.
This can all happen when a deeply acting homeopathic medicine is prescribed. This takes skill, training and knowledge to prescribe at this level..
There are no side effects in homeopathic treatment. However, it is possible to experience some of the effects of the medicine, which are not yours. This is why it is always recommended that you work with a professional homeopathic consultant.
When you take an inappropriate homeopathic remedy, it normally has no effect at all.
Homeopathy is just as effective with animals as with us. There is no difference. It is also effective on plant health. It is a universal, gentle and safe system of health care. The aim is complete restoration of health.
When this is no longer possible, as the end of life approaches, the treatment takes away pain and fear, allowing for an easy transition.
Does homeopathic medicine work? There is no doubt for those who experience its remarkable abilities.
Animals are possibly showing us the way, as they make it very clear which homeopathic medicine they want.
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