Healing Hot Flushes in Menopause 

Madeleine Innocent

Healing hot flushes in menopause comes as a welcome relief to most women. The feeling of hot flushes is often intense. It’s as if your inner thermostat has gone haywire.

If you’re lucky, the intensity of the hot flushes lasts only seconds, but they can last longer. They can be more intense at night, purely because you don’t act as quickly as you do when awake.

And they can be frequent.

The Natural Solutions Are Safer

The medical solution can create more (and more serious) problems later on in life. That being said, many women still opt for that, simply to get relief in the present.

But there are other options. Safer options. More natural options. Options that don’t suppress, that truly heal. More effective options. Faster options.

Understand What's Going On

Any health disorder means that your immune system is not working properly. Certainly not as it should. So if you can find a way to return this vital aspect of your being to its proper function, the problem will disappear. Not by synthetic hormones. Not by massive doses of supplements – natural or otherwise.

Problems will disappear because your body knows how to maintain health when it has the ability. A good analogy to use, which may help to explain this rather unusual approach, is a gardening one. If you feel that a plant isn’t doing well, you look to the soil to see the problem. If the soil is not healthy, the plant won’t flourish.

Put the soil health back and the plant makes a quick recovery, even though you’ve not treated the plant at all.

Your soil is your immune system.

healing hot flushes in menopause

Healing Hot Flushes in Menopause

This is all about returning your immune system to its rightful ability. It means undoing past traumas. It means de-toxing. It may mean some changes.

However, once this process is started, you can feel the effects almost immediately, if not immediately. It's as if your body heaves a sigh of relief, allowing everything else to slip back into place easily.

Your body already knows what it needs and what it needs to do. It may simply be hampered from carrying out the necessary steps.

Healing With Homeopathy

By the time most women get to menopause age, they have put their body through a lot of stress, probably not given it the right sort of nutrition, and have ingested or absorbed a lot of toxins (often unknowingly).

Your poor body is finding it hard to cope. The added burden of menopause is really only the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’. It’s less of a hormone issue and more of an immune issue.

Good homeopathic treatment can de-tox and heal your immune system all at the same time.

This is not something that you should try to do yourself. You need professional help and guidance. Find a homeopath you can work with. Healing hot flushes in menopause can facilitate a return to good health in your whole body, not just one part.

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