Healing Snake Bites With Homeopathy 

Madeleine Innocent

Healing snake bites with homeopathy is not only possible, it's fast, effective, without side effects or other nasties. And it's much more cost effective!

It’s always good to be prepared if you live in an area with snakes, scorpions, deadly spiders, etc. They can give a nasty bite which at best is traumatic. At worst it can be fatal.

Living as I do in such an area, I am fortunate to know what to do. It comes with knowing the value of homeopathic remedies. However, a first hand experience does tend to cement that knowledge!

Over the years I have helped a few people and their animals successfully with healing snake bites. But there is nothing like seeing the reaction for yourself.

On a normal morning walk around a paddock, with Sadie my energetic boxer and two cats, a crisis happened. A dugite was coiled up in our pathway, enjoying the early morning spring sun.

We all gave the snake a wide berth, not wanting to disturb its reverie, and carried on.

Sadie's normal routine is to gallop around, exercising those long legs, roll in the grass, eat horse poo, explore new smells and then come galloping back to us on the home stretch.

This time she was a little late in joining up with us and when she did, her gallop was a slow canter, lacking her normal joie de vive.

As she neared us, she fell over.

She didn’t get back up. She just lay there with a leg at an uncomfortable looking angle.

What the….

I encouraged her to stand and we walked slowly the short distance back to the house and she slumped into her bed.

What Sadie lacks in common sense, she makes up for in joy and playfulness. I suspected she had gone back to the dugite to invite it to play with her.

I started her on my normal snake bite protocol. A few minutes after the first dose, she got up and wandered around in her normal behaviour, interested, tail up, alert.

She appeared to be completely normal.

And she didn't relapse. That was it!


Dugites are common brown snakes found all over Western Australia. They are not as aggressive as the eastern brown snakes and will generally leave you alone if you leave them alone. Although their bite can be traumatic, they are normally not fatal.

I have encountered several in my years here and they are never a problem. I don't live in fear of seeing them around!

The babies tend to be more poisonous than the adults.

healing snake bites with homeopathy

I used this same snake bite protocol for a cat some years ago. I found her walking around with a baby dugite hanging from her mouth.

I didn’t interfere for two reasons:

  • you can make the situation worse by interferring
  • I knew I could successfully treat her

I just hoped the baby dugite got safely away.

Some hours after I saw her, she came into the house, very wobbly and unsteady. I figured she had been bitten, so started my normal snake bite protocol. This was a bit different from Sadie’s treatment as it was an older bite by a few hours.

She had no interest in food that night, but was back to normal the next day. Both she, and I, slept soundly that night. I didn’t need to watch her or keep dosing her.

Healing snake bites with homeopathy is quick, inexpensive, effective without nasty reactions to the treatment. It works with any type of snake. And anyone whether human or animal.

A miracle? Miracles are common with homeopathy! 

Healing Snake Bites With Homeopathy

There is a difference in how you go about treatment, depending on the time interval of the bite and treatment. An experienced homeopath will know what to do.

The type of snake is less important.

However, if you are familiar with using homeopathy yourself, for acute and first aid conditions, you will easily understand how to go about treating these yourself. Time can be important with some of the more poisonous snakes.

My snake bite protocol works just as well with scorpion bites and spider bites.

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