Learning how to heal osteoporosis, or to prevent it isn’t rocket science. And the answer is not in all those calcium supplements that have a bevy of side effects, INCLUDING osteoporosis!
It so often comes down to diet. And with the right diet, you can heal it and then prevent it from recurring.
Many are resistant to the diet that CAN reverse and prevent it.
So your success comes down to how open you are to change.
Governments, who are largely at the beck and call of industry, will tell you to drink milk and consume dairy to get all the calcium you need for strong and healthy bones and teeth.
If this were so, then it seems strange that the western countries whose populations consume so much dairy products, also have the highest incidents of osteoporosis.
Data taken from rural China, where dairy was never a food source before the western diet started to become popular, found a very different result. They found that osteoporosis was insignificant. Few people suffered with it. They didn’t consume dairy. Their diet was largely vegan.
Let’s look at what is really going on.
Milk and other dairy consumables may be high in calcium, but not in a way that we humans can utilise. It is bio-unavailable to those who have been weaned.
Milk is produced by a mammalian mother for the baby she just birthed. And each mammal's milk has different qualities which depend on the species need and requirements.
Humans are not cows. Or goats. Or sheep. Therefore their milk is unsuitable for us. Even as babies and certainly not as weaned adults.
Meat, eggs and fish require calcium to digest. In nature, a carnivore who eats meat will also eat the bones. They come neatly packaged together for a reason.
When humans consume meat, which isn’t a natural food for us, it is eaten without the bones as we are not equipped with the sharp, spiky teeth carnivores have.
In an effort to digest the protein, the body leaches the calcium required from our bones and teeth.
Processed foods, such as white sugar, white flour, white rice, where the fibre and macro minerals have been stripped away, have a similar effect.
The higher the animal protein consumption and processed foods, the higher the likelihood of getting osteoporosis. It becomes obvious when you make the connection.
The good news is that once you stop consuming animal protein and processed foods altogether, the chances of healing osteoporosis increases dramatically. Even cutting back the portions or the servings can make a huge difference to your bone health.
The story doesn’t end there. Being vegan is so much healthier on so many fronts, but it means eating a healthy vegan diet, not just no animal protein.
Consider our wonderful cows. They are truly huge animals, with massive bones. Yet their calves grow to full physical maturity in a single year.
Just on grass.
If grass is so healthy for cows, couldn’t we learn from that?
We can’t digest or utilise grass, but we can with something close.
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, silver beet, kale and many weeds such as purslane and dandelion. These are all rich in the perfect balance of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and all the other related nutrients that are essential for macro mineral absorption and utilisation in the human body.
Legumes (beans and peas), nuts and seeds also contain the macro minerals in perfect combination. (It’s best to consume the nuts and seeds in their activated form.)
This links leads to several articles on the subject.
The body can’t absorb calcium without the sun. With the recent scares to avoid the sun, many children (especially, but everyone is affected) have been developing bone issues.
The supplement Vitamin D can help, but the best solution, as well as the most cost effective one, is to get the sun on bare skin regularly. You don’t want to burn, and it’s a good idea to limit your exposure in the summer midday sun in hot climes. But sun is the best source of the right vitamin D in the right amount.
The sun is very healing in so many other ways, too.
Some people can have a serious and chronic state of osteoporosis. And while the above measures are likely to improve the situation dramatically, they may still leave a weakness. Enough to be of a concern, especially in growing children and the elderly.
Good homeopathic treatment can reverse any weakness and prevent osteoporosis from ever being a health issue.
The right homeopathic treatment dictated by your individual symptoms and signs, can complete the healthy picture.
Once you discover the cause of a problem, it’a much easier to move easily into healing it. Part of learning how to heal osteoporosis is discovering what causes it.
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