Helping Mental Health Disorders 

Madeleine Innocent

Mental health disorders are on the increase in all its forms. However, the diagnosis can be unreliable. In addition, the treatment that inevitably follows does little to offer real healing options to the patient. 

  • Is the test for Parkinson’s definitive? 
  • How is Alzheimer’s diagnosed?
  • Will a dementia diagnosis help the patient?
  • Isn't depression far too wide a generalisation?

These are all realistic questions you need to ask yourself before embarking on the quest of a diagnosis. Is it reliable? Will it be helpful?

In the area of mental health disorders, there is no definitive and accurate diagnosis. Each doctor’s conclusions can vary wildly. And the medical drugs for these are generally unhelpful and often harmful.

An autobiography of a successful businessman who became sick in his later years is illuminating. He became obsessed with having a diagnosis. Yet, the more doctors and specialists he consulted, the more varied the diagnoses became. They varied wildly from having no mental health disorder, to having Parkinson’s disease.

It’s the same with most mental health disorders. There is no definitive test that confirms the disorder. There is no definitive test that confirms the cause of the problem. And there is little the medical establishment can do to alleviate the signs and symptoms other than suppressing them.

Suppressive Drugs

The problem with suppressing your natural signs and symptoms is that it pushes the imbalance deeper into the body. This results in more serious pathology later on. For example, when you have a joint replacement, it is likely that you will later suffer with heart complications. This is more serious.

Certainly the joint pain was relieved, but that wasn’t life threatening, whereas a heart condition most likely is.

Examples of Mental Health Disorders

A mental health diagnosis can include chronic anxiety, depression, anger, a lack of ability to concentrate, forgetfulness, panic, eating disorders, deep grief, bullying as well as the heavier disorders such as PTSD, autism, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, schizophrenia, and many others. There is no age barrier.

Yes all these problems have a cause. Medically, these are never examined. But they can be invaluable in helping you permanently recover. Let’s look at a few:

Causes of Mental Health Disorders

Lead poising is never considered, even in those people who are more exposed, such as with miners.

Other heavy metal toxicity such as mercury, cadmium, aluminium are common in certain medications at very high levels, and all can cause brain damage.

Synthetic additives in food, garden and household products, on farms which produce our food, in our water can all lead to brain damage.

Diet is rarely examined, yet by eating a balanced plant based diet, you are providing the nutrients necessary for a healthy body, allowing toxins to be eliminated.

mental health disorders

From children, we are generally not encouraged to follow our instincts. Yet these are part of our invaluable inner guidance system. When we consistently go against these, it is inevitable we will end up sick. Bowing to pressure or coercion against out feelings, are common and not in our best interests.

Others Suffer Alongside The Patient

And many of the mental health disorders bleed into each other. Is there really any difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia? Probably not for the patient.

It’s not just the patient who suffers. The supportive family does too. Families can suffer chronic anxiety over the situation. Perhaps suffer with sleep deprivation as they worry about what to do. Many suffer financially as they struggle to provide what they feel is the best care they can.

And lets not forget all the animals who suffer horribly in research laboratories, most of which is inconclusive.

Holistic Health Care To The Rescue

Yet there is another option. An option that doesn’t rely on a mental health diagnosis. One that:

  • relies on the signs and symptoms of the patient, which are far more personal
  • relies of what lead up to the problem
  • won’t cripple the patient or the family financially
  • has the potential of full recovery
  • can never be accused of misdiagnosis, because a diagnosis is not necessary
  • is not suppressive as it simply helps the body’s immune system recover balance
  • uses people as test subjects, rather than our furry planet companions who are treated as objects rather than the sentient beings they are

And this option is good homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is an energy medicine. How perfect that is when you consider we are energy beings. Combining ongoing professional homeopathic treatment with a healthy diet that is known to restore good health in serious and chronic health issues, is I consider, unbeatable.

Don’t be obsessed by a mental health diagnosis. Instead, be obsessed by finding the best, natural way to support your body’s needs, to restore the health of your immune system, to help you fine tune your skills at recognising your inner guidance system. THAT’S worth obsessing about as the rewards are exceptional.Y

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