
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, triage is the sorting of and allocation of treatment according to the urgency.

This website is about teaching you and empowering you so you know what to do, in any scenario. For anyone.

Most triage systems follow the example of traffic lights, with red at the top, amber in the middle, green at the bottom.

I’m going to flip that on its head and start with the green. This is because when you get the green sector sorted, the chances of something happening in the red sector is drastically reduced.

The Green Sector

This is about husbandry.

This is your job.

No-one else can do this.

It’s about getting the diet right.

It’s about making sure your lifestyle is appropriate for you, a member of the human race. This means

  • getting enough sleep
  • taking time to unwind and relax
  • learning to follow your inner guidance
  • understanding where the dangers are and what they are, so you can avoid them
  • focusing on what you want - this can sound selfish to many, but you can never help others when you’re out of balance
  • avoid stress wherever you can
  • cease any engagement with fear mongering

And above all, it's about being responsible. For you and for those dependent on you. That means YOU make the decisions, the choices, not someone else who may not have your best interests at heart.

All these issues are vitally important to being healthy. When all, or most, of these are in place, you’ll rarely hit the red sector.

The Red Sector

This is about getting outside help when the situation is beyond your ability, capacity or knowledge and needs attention. That could be an emergency. Or it could be a mild condition that you just don’t seem able to shift. And it is not only annoying, it hampers your life.

And everything in between.

You may need to have a family homeopath, any other holistic practitioner and/or medical doctor, ones you trust who you can turn to in these times. And knowing which one you need when, as well as following your preferences.

This is often how people get started on their healing journey.

The idea behind homeopathic treatment is that you’ll come good in time, reducing the need for the treatment.

The Amber Sector

This sector isn’t for everyone, but I suggest it is an essential part of your healing if you’re ready to learn.

This is where you learn to heal everyday and often mild, acute conditions with natural products and systems. Learn the value of common herbs. Take a home prescribing course in homeopathy. Learn where your acupressure points are and what their function is.

There are as many ways to help yourself as there are people who want to learn.

Everyone is on their own path. It’s different for everyone. You may have to experiment a little to find what works for you. In time, as you grow and heal, this may change.

The link below provides useful links for all three sectors. It’s a work in progress. Life is dynamic; letting go of old ways and embracing new as and when appropriate is the spice of life! We don’t want to get stuck in eddies.

It’s important to find what works for you.

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