Minimise Your Risk of Diabetes 

Madeleine Innocent

Discovering how to minimise your risk of diabetes means looking at the cause of the problem.

Then it's about understanding the consequences and taking full responsibility.

This flies in the face of the accepted ideas, that your risk of diabetes is not your fault, that it is just bad luck or the fault of your genes.

That idea is easy for some to swallow, but the problem tends to get progressively worse and can end in gangrene. So taking proactive measures now can save you a lot of pain and nail biting anxiety.

It doesn’t matter which type of diabetes, although Type 2 is much easier to deal with. However, Type 1 will respond. 

Understanding The Contributing Factors

Your very first consideration is your diet. Put the wrong fuel in your car, and it doesn’t work. Put the wrong food in you, and the same thing happens - you don’t work very well.

The best natural food for us is to eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds. Denis Burkett MD was one of the contemporary pioneers who understood the value of a high fibre diet to prevent so many of the common health issues than plague the western world, including diabetes.

One of his choice quotes, and there are many, is "America is a constipated nation (as are most western nations - Ed). If you pass small stools you have to have large hospitals." 

Minimise Your Risk of Diabetes at Your Pace

So one of the very first natural ways to minimise your risk of diabetes is your diet.

If it sounds too hard, then go at it slowly. Reduce or eliminate one thing at a time. Dairy is very damaging to human health and is easily replaced. So that is a good starting point. It may take you a couple of days to get used to nut milk or oat milk, but then it becomes much more palatable than cows milk.

Cashew cheese is absolutely delicious. Coconut yoghurt easily replaces dairy yoghurt.

Once you have achieved that, give yourself a treat to celebrate.

minimise your risk of diabetes

Then move on to reducing your meat consumption. Start with smaller portions. 

Where's The Protein, The Iron, The Calcium?

Just in case you are concerned about protein, there is all you need if you eat a broad variety of plant based food. The strongest animals in the world – the elephants, the draught horses, the rhinos, the buffalos, the oxen – who are used to pull heavy carts or logged trees - all exist on just grass.

The fact they all grow to maturity in a single year, with those massive bones, tells you they must be getting the right nutrition.

In case you are concerned about iron, this exists in plants, which is where animals get their iron. Just make sure you eat a variety of foods.

Calcium abounds in green leafy vegetables in the perfect ratio with all the other supportive nutrients.


The diet will go a long way in minimising your risk of diabetes. For some, it will be all that's needed. For others, extra help may be needed. Everyone is different. Everyone has a different reason for why they are not healthy, why they have developed a health problem.

This is where the holistic health care system of homeopathy comes in. Homeopathy works at a deeper level than anything else I know.
It works to restore health.
It works to undo genetic predispositions.
It works to minimise the risk of diabetes and all other health issues.
It individualises you.

Do you bit with the diet and your health will reward you.

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